

锚学院是一种特殊的教育, 治疗性日间学校,为10-22岁的学龄学生提供十大最好的网赌平台. 锚学院是一个延长的学年, 11个月的学术课程, 可选的夏季体验. Certified special education teachers provide students with a curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework. The curriculum prepares students for high school graduation and transition to post-secondary education, 职业或职业培训.

锚学院 promotes a transformational learning experience for students who require alternative pathways for educational and 情感 success and growth.临床框架为学生提供了提高自我意识的机会, 培养监管所需的技能, 并获得不同程度的教育和情感支持.


锚学院 exists to provide challenging academics in a safe and 支持 therapeutic rich environment.  通过基于优势的方法, we offer a transformational learning experience that fosters resiliency and prepares students to become skilled, 通知, 负责任的公民.  我们设计我们的程序 锚定 我们的学生与支持,他们需要成功地完成学业, 社会, 情感目标.


JRI is strongly committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for our employees and the people we serve.  JRI没有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 残疾, 宗教, 年龄, 婚姻状况或在JRI接受治疗或就业的军事状况, admission or access to JRI or any other aspect of the educational programs and activities that JRI operates. JRI是1964年民权法案第六章(第六章)所要求的, 1973年康复法案第504条(第504条), 1972年教育修正案第九条(第九条), 1975年《十大最好的网赌平台》(《十大最好的网赌平台》), 及各自的实施条例,温度为摄氏34度.F.R. 部分100, 104, 106和110, 不得有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 残疾, 性, 和年龄. Inquiries regarding the application of each of the aforementioned statutes and their implementing regulations to JRI may be directed to JRI Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mark Schueppert at 781-559-4900 or 160 Gould Street, 300套房, Needham MA 02494或到美国.S. 教育部, 民权办公室, 电话:(617)289-0111或邮政广场5号, 8楼, 波士顿, MA 02109-3921.




焦点:锚学院提供安全, 支持, and structured learning environment for students who require individualized interventions to meet their 社会, 情感, 教育目标.
容量:锚学院提供小型, 结构化的课堂设置,师生比例为6:1.
(508) 947-0131

锚学院是一个延长的学年, 11个月的教育计划, 可选的夏季体验. Certified special education teachers provide a curriculum that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. 锚学院提供指导,通过使用项目为基础,动手学习. The interdisciplinary strategies encour年龄 students to explore their strengths to promote success.  与学生所在学区和社区治疗团队合作, 锚学院 continuously raises the bar by providing challenging academics while recognizing each student’s unique learning needs.

锚学院使用技术作为互动资源来提高学生的十大最好的网堵平台度, 帮助学生实现IEP目标,并继续为学生提供高质量的教育. 这所学校使用谷歌教育软件, 教师和学生使用的谷歌教室和Chromebook电脑. Google for Education and Google Classroom are web-based teacher driven resources that enable students to receive and submit assignments in a secure, 学校管理环境.

Chromebook                         科学



锚学院 is a therapeutic day school where employees work with students to eng年龄 them in academic, 职业, 社会, 以及娱乐活动. Therapeutic interventions are integrated throughout the school to promote and teach healthy attachments, 实践和实施有效的管理技巧, 而学生则建立了更强的自我意识. The therapeutic supports help students navigate the complexities of adolescence and transition to adulthood. 自我保健, 健康, 安全, 人际沟通, 学校的日常生活中融入了解决冲突的方法.

 Students are assigned a Master’s level clinician who 提供了 individual and group counseling consistent with their Individualized Education Plan. 如有需要,可提供言语及职业治疗..

     敏捷过程       敏捷过程       敏捷过程



 锚学院 提供了 transitional and 职业 opportunities that focus on developing students’ individual strengths, 技能, 和利益. The school supports students in making successful transitions between school placements as well as to employment and post-secondary educational opportunities. 学生被提供了一些过渡性的机会,如职业规划, 社区十大最好的网赌平台机会, 以及大学和职业准备课程. On-campus and community-based activities are geared towards developing life and work 技能 pertinent to post-secondary success. 每个学生都有机会发展自己的教育路线图, 金融, 职业探索..

教育 support and skill building opportunities allow students to explore the job application process, 制作简历, 练习和发展面试技巧, 联系推荐人.Interest inventories and assessments are utilized to assist students in identifying areas of interest. 

职业   职业   职业


新贝德福德社区划船中心 提供了 students with opportunities to develop their 职业 and competency 技能 through hands on learning, 团队合作和社区访问. 一年的经历促进了学生在社会上的成功成就, 情感和学业目标.  2017年,锚学院的学生成功建造并推出了贝文划艇和 在融入锚学院的学术课程的同时学习了海洋学.

战舰湾 为学生提供志愿帮助保护美国海军丰富历史的机会.  Students work with the maintenance department and the curator to assist with projects that include painting, 排序的工件, 并为游客维护设施的外观. This opportunity connects our students to their local community where they can expand their education on the history of naval herit年龄.

苏尔家园 允许学生十大最好的网堵平台正在进行的社区十大最好的网赌平台项目.Students assist with the care of several farm animals including rabbits, goats, sheep, and chickens. 学生们在动物的栖息地检查动物,同时在农场为它们创造一个更好的空间. 宅基地提供各种强调实践学习的教育项目. All of our educational programs incorporate one or more of the Massachusetts State 教育 Curriculum Standards and Frameworks, including: History and Social 科学; 科学 and Technology; Mathematics; and Visual Arts.

桥梁中心 提供了 学生有机会学习驾驭马匹, 马营养, 仪容整洁, 马的解剖学. 这些能力技能帮助锚学院的学生建立自信, 社会技能, 执行功能技能, 和耐心. 学生们自愿奉献自己的时间,并与动物建立关系.

阳光农场保护区 offers students the opportunity to work side by side with animals as well as learn the 技能 to ride horses. The skill of caring for and riding horses develops a mindful sense of self by boosting self-esteem and self-acceptance. 

送礼物 允许学生 帮助为有需要的儿童组织可回收的、重新利用的和赠予的衣服. 志愿活动教会学生他们可以为他人提供多少, 增强他们的自我意识, 并加强了学校与社区的紧密联系. 





拥有敬业的员工和提供优秀员工与学生比例的能力, 锚学院有能力满足需要持续学习的学生的需求, 心理健康和社会支持. I have been impressed with their ability to successfully help students attain their full potential while developing the 技能 necessary for independent adulthood.

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自2000年1月以来,Rachel一直是JRI团队的成员. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 程序 导演 where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航器.