
JRI接受看似不可能的挑战, challenges with a level of risk and complexity that other public and private entities have been unwilling or unable to address. 对于那些最需要的人,没有支持者或资源,JRI是选择的资源.

JRI没有采取顺应趋势的战略, 相反,他发起了一些项目,开发了一些模式,这些模式确立了趋势,塑造了体系. JRI does not grow through serially 发展中 similar programs; instead, 我们对每种模式都做了一些示范程序. 我们的工作促使了更完善的发展, 更有效的, 更容易操作, 以及更可靠的可复制模式. 除了, 我们通过合并增加了我们机构的多样性和稳定性, 收购和合作伙伴关系,进一步推动我们的社区目标和加强我们的十大最好的网赌平台.



~Dr. 马丁·路德·金 



At JRI, we actively commit to fostering a workplace that celebrates diversity, 股本, 和包容. 我们确保每个人都有平等的机会茁壮成长,并为我们的集体成功做出贡献. We enthusiastically cultivate an environment where differences are not only welcomed but also celebrated, 每个声音都积极地为我们组织的价值做出贡献. 我们承诺积极营造崇尚公平的职场文化, 尊重, 归属感, 通过持续的积极措施为所有人追求幸福, 继续教育, 持续的自省. 我们的DEI使命通知并推动着我们组织的各个方面, 从具体的DEI目标和计划到我们动态的招聘方法, 领导力发展, 社区十大最好的网堵平台


Senior DEI声明主任

我很高兴能向大家介绍正在展开的变革多样性, 股本, 和包容(DEI)的旅程. This journey moves beyond mere talk, indicating our preparedness for authentic and meaningful change. Our recognition of the necessity to advance DEI is deeply rooted in the belief that diverse voices and experiences are essential catalysts for innovation. 

一个致力于为个人和社区十大最好的网赌平台的组织, we have observed the profound impact that embracing this commitment can have in realizing the social justice vision set forth when our organization began five decades ago. This readiness is about tapping into the rich perspectives within our workforce and the communities we serve. 

我们认识到,创新是我们追求公正社会的盟友. DEI transcend mere policies and procedures; they involve nurturing an environment where everyone feels a sense of 归属感, 无论背景如何. 公平确保了每个人都有平等的成功机会,无论身处何地. Inclusion is not a catchphrase; it entails ensuring every team member feels valued, 受人尊敬的, 并被授权做出真正的贡献. 

你们在这段旅程中的角色是至关重要的. 每一个动作, 无论是宏大的还是渺小的, contributes to shaping a workplace that mirrors the diversity of our world and fosters innovation. 这一承诺不仅是组织性的,而且是我们每个人的集体承诺.  

请与我站在一起,我们将推动持久的变革. 让我们拥护转型, 为体现多样性的未来铺平道路, 股本, 和包容. 你们的伙伴关系对于创造一种长期产生共鸣的影响是不可或缺的, 为未来几代人塑造我们的组织. 

Jenese Brownhill, LICSW 



I. 共同的责任  

We actively cultivate a workplace culture that values and appreciates the distinct identities of each individual. We adopt a holistic approach that encourages collaboration across departments by embracing 共同的责任. 我们的专业团队无缝地将DEI承诺整合到我们的政策中, 确保它们不只是口头上的,而是指导我们日常行动的内在原则. 我们通过指标和问责制孜孜不倦地跟踪我们的进展, 让我们自己负责推动组织内部的切实变化. 


II. 包容和意识培训 

Our comprehensive training programs prioritize 教育 to foster awareness and cultural competence among our team members. 通过有针对性的包容策略, 我们指导公平的做法, 解决障碍, 积极促进合作. This commitment demonstrates our dedication to creating a workplace where every voice is heard and valued. 从多元化研讨会到无意识偏见培训, our inclusive approach ensures that our team has the knowledge and skills to contribute to a diverse and collaborative work environment. 


3. 促进种族平等 

At the heart of our organizational strength lies our investment in individuals and the diverse perspectives they bring. 促进种族平等, 我们通过全面的方法战略性地促进劳动力多样性:吸引, 发展中, 保持多元化的员工队伍. 这包括: 

  • 积极寻求多元化人才  

  • 实施无偏筛选 

  • 提供包容性的入职十大最好的网赌平台 

  • 不断改进我们的招聘实践 



A. 促进劳动力多样性和包容性 

我们从战略上吸引、发展和留住多元化的员工队伍. Actively seeking diverse candidate pools ensures our talent pool mirrors the richness of the clients and communities we serve. 通过公正的筛选, 包括新员工培训, 持续改进, 我们建立一个多元化的工作场所, 培养创造力, 提供卓越的十大最好的网赌平台

B. 持续改进 

通过持续改进, 我们改进策略以确保有效性, 为更广泛的关于多样性和包容性的对话提供宝贵的见解. 


C. 由内而外的领导:我们有意义变革的指导原则 

我们将我们的承诺扩展到内部边界之外, raising awareness and collaborating with external organizations to develop a more inclusive and equitable world by focusing on the following: 

  • Social Justice Advocacy: Actively engaging in raising awareness around the needs of our clients and communities at the state, 当地的, 以及立法层面. This commitment ensures equitable cost reimbursement and quality care for clients and the broader community. 

  • 战略伙伴关系: 我们的伙伴关系反映了我们对DEI的承诺. 与外部组织合作, 我们推动联合倡议和项目,为建设一个更加包容和公平的世界作出贡献. 

  • 供应商多元化: 关注社区, 我们优先考虑供应商关系的多样性, 促进经济包容性,支持与我们有共同价值观的企业.



JRI项目包括创伤知情护理. 他们支持年轻人, 成年人和家庭应对挑战,为社会做出有意义的贡献. 十大最好的网赌平台部门帮助那些无家可归和健康不平等的人, 以及那些因滥用药物而处于危险中的人, 精神或身体健康问题, 暴力, 以及性剥削. 所有课程的目标是1)卓越的十大最好的网赌平台和2)该领域的进步, 通过知识共享, 研究, 发展新的护理模式.


附件, 自律, 和胜任力(ARC)框架是一个核心组件处理模型, developed to provide a guiding framework for thoughtful clinical intervention with complexly traumatized youth and their care giving systems.  从创伤的领域中汲取灵感, 附件, 儿童发展, 该框架认识到在环境中与儿童一起工作的重要性, of acknowledging the role of historical experiences and adaptive responses in current presentation, and of intervening with the surrounding environment – whether primary caregivers or 治疗 system – to support and facilitate the child’s healthy growth and development.  而不是确定一步一步的干预策略, 该框架确定了10个关键的“构建模块”, 或者干预目标, 每个领域的关键技能/目标, 发展和文化考虑, 以及跨设置的潜在应用程序.  ARC框架是由Kristine M. 金尼堡和玛格丽特E. 布劳斯坦在JRI, 被国家儿童创伤压力网络(NCTSN)认可为一种很有前途的做法.


BCC课程是由心理健康领域的专家制定的, 教育, 创伤治疗, 以及住宅和社区护理. 它被用于跨越多个护理级别的项目, 从亚急性设施到门诊治疗. 密件抄送是一种独特的设计,提供一个清晰的, 基于系统的治疗工作和危机干预方法, 同时在程序和客户层面上仍然允许大量的个性化. BCC是一个创伤信息, 基于系统的培训方法,在各种环境中与所有年龄的个人一起工作. 这是一种基于“培训师”的模式, 并在16 - 24小时内交付给十大最好的网堵平台者, 取决于所涵盖的主题. 它可以带或不带物理干预内容.


JRI投资于正在进行的开发, 并定期收购独特的组织,以提高其十大最好的网赌平台的连续性. These programs provide best of breed qualities that get strengthened and incorporated as specialized agency resources. This strategy fills service gaps, while increasing operational efficiencies and economies of scale. 它支持社区需求, 减少日常开销和管理成本, 并确保JRI有能力留住熟练的劳动力.


Families and lifelong connections are often the most important social network in a person's life and can have an enormous impact on the effectiveness on the services, 治疗, 教育, 一个人在十大最好的网赌平台结束后获得永久的支持和持续的成功. JRI理解个人拥有稳定的家庭的重要性, 他们可以发展自己的身份和价值观的永久环境. JRI强烈认为,这种设置应该尽可能与个人的家庭. 因此,在我们的护理中,永久是首要的目标. Family is broadly defined by each person served to acknowledge and include who the person self identifies as family and permanent connection. 永久性被定义为安全, 承诺, supportive and caring relationship that is intended to be life-long between a young person and adult. 因为家庭和永久联系的重要性, each program is designed to encourage extensive family engagement and permanency planning throughout an individuals' stay. 永久的事物 planning places emphasis on working with persons to identify and strengthen natural community supports, 终身联系和过渡计划到成人十大最好的网赌平台机构适当. 


JRI完全致力于与客户进行有效的沟通和合作, 家庭, 以及我们的社区伙伴. 我们致力于提供必要的工具来支持这种有效的沟通. 这包括但不限于美国手语十大最好的网赌平台, 翻译十大最好的网赌平台, 口译员, 以及其他格式的书面信息. 如果您或您的家人/团队需要访问这些工具/十大最好的网赌平台, 请联系项目主任或项目临床医生. 另外, you may circle the language needed on this form and provide to any member of the team who will then link you to services. 如果需要美国手语十大最好的网赌平台,请告诉我们.





自2000年1月以来,Rachel一直是JRI团队的成员. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting 家庭 with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and 家庭 received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is 承诺 to improving the lives of children and 家庭. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航器.